Teachers Don’t Burn Out: Free Resources To Help You Save Energy, Time, and Money
Is your energy running low? Are year-end responsibilities leaving you pressed for time? Still spending your own money on supplies and making sure everything gets done right in your … [Read more...]
Back To School Fundraiser Part 4: Write a Book, Raise Money and Become Famous
Updated Post: All schools contain a wealth of wisdom, encompassing a wide range of subjects, interests, and skill sets. Every day and every year, teachers write lessons, create experiences for their … [Read more...]
Back To School Fundraiser Part 3: Have a Talent Show!
Hopefully you found our previous fundraising posts useful. Anyone planning on hosting a race or a back to school movie night fundraiser? If so, we would love to hear about it. Ok, ready to shift gears … [Read more...]
A Race To Save You Money: Back To School Fundraising Part 2
Calling All Teacher Runners and Fitness Enthusiasts: Stop Spending Your Own Money on Classroom Supplies, Read this blog! Updated Post: Ok, I started to feel a little guilty with all the movie … [Read more...]
Back To School Fundraiser Part 1: Watch A Movie!
Did you got a chance to watch some of the movies suggested in our previous posts? Hope you did! I know some of you are already back to school and others are preparing their classrooms, meeting with … [Read more...]
Use a Nationally Recognized Holiday To Create Your Own Fundraising Success Story
Have you ever thought of all of the national holidays, really I mean ALL of them? Sure we recognize Independence Day, Labor Day and National Teacher’s Day, but did you know that there are hundreds of … [Read more...]
Unique & Healthy School Fundraising Ideas
One day you might have the responsibility of organizing a fundraiser for your school. What will you choose to do? Some school districts don’t allow bake sales because of the rise of food allergies and … [Read more...]
From Mild To Wild: Using The Internet To Raise Funds and Make Extra Money
Maybe you are like me, a person who enjoys volunteering, especially if it is for a children’s non-profit or cause. You carefully plan and coordinate events, ask others to pitch in, and humbly hope to … [Read more...]
Attention Teachers: Looking For a Great Way To Buy Classroom Supplies?
I wish I knew about Edmarketdealer.com and teacherA+stores.com a long time ago. It would have helped me conserve two precsious resources, Time and Money! How much time do you spend driving around in … [Read more...]